
1. сущ.
1) мн., мат. координаты, система координат

axes of coordinates — оси координат

Cartesian coordinates — прямоугольные [декартовы\] координаты

2) мн., общ. комплект одежды (состоящий из предметов, удачно сочетающихся друг с другом по цвету, рисунку и т. п.)
2. прил.
1) общ. одного разряда, равный; неподчиненный; сопоставимый

Cross references in the catalogue link subjects which may be coordinate. — Перекрестные ссылки в каталоге связывают темы, которые могут быть сопоставимы.

2) общ. согласованный, координированный

coordinate actions — согласованные действия

3) общ. сочиненный (о предложении)

coordinate sentence — сочиненное предложение

4) общ. соединительный (о союзе)

coordinate conjunction — соединительный союз

5) мат. координатный

coordinate curve — координатная кривая

3. гл.
1) общ. координировать, согласовывать

to coordinate economics research projects — согласовывать проекты экономических исследований

2) общ. консультироваться, вести переговоры по согласованию действий

You will coordinate with consultants and other departments on a variety of projects. — Вы будете согласовывать свои действия по ряду проектов с консультантами и другими отделами.

Англо-русский экономический словарь.

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Смотреть что такое "coordinate" в других словарях:

  • coordinate — co‧or‧di‧nate [kəʊˈɔːdneɪt ǁ koʊˈɔːr ] verb 1. [transitive] to organize an activity so that the people involved work well together and achieve a good result: • His principal job is to coordinate all the science missions on board the ship. 2.… …   Financial and business terms

  • coordinate — or co ordinate [kō ôrd′ n it, kō ôrd′ nāt΄; ] for v [., kō ôrd′ nāt΄] adj. [ML coordinatus, pp. of coordinare, to set in order, arrange < L co (var. of com ), with + ordinare, to arrange < ordo,ORDER] 1. of the same order or importance;… …   English World dictionary

  • coordinate — [adj] equivalent alike, coequal, correlative, correspondent, counterpart, equal, equalized, like, parallel, same, tantamount; concept 566 Ant. different, dissimilar, unequal, unparallel coordinate [v] match, relate accommodate, adjust, agree,… …   New thesaurus

  • coordinate — (also co ordinate) ► VERB 1) bring the different elements of (a complex activity or organization) into a harmonious or efficient relationship. 2) (coordinate with) negotiate with (others) in order to work together effectively. 3) match or… …   English terms dictionary

  • Coordinate — Co*[ o]r di*nate, a. [Pref. co + L. ordinatus, p. p. of ordinare to regulate. See {Ordain}.] Equal in rank or order; not subordinate. [1913 Webster] Whether there was one Supreme Governor of the world, or many co[ o]rdinate powers presiding over… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Coordinate — Co*[ o]r di*nate, n. 1. A thing of the same rank with another thing; one two or more persons or things of equal rank, authority, or importance. [1913 Webster] It has neither co[ o]rdinate nor analogon; it is absolutely one. Coleridge. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • coordinate — I verb adjust, arrange, assimilate, balance, combine, equalize, harmonize, homologize, integrate, methodize, organize, proportion, regularize, regulate, schematize, set in order, synchronize, systematize II index adjust (regulate), arrange… …   Law dictionary

  • coordinate — co|or|di|nate1 also co ordinate BrE [kəuˈo:dıneıt US kouˈo:r ] v [Date: 1600 1700; : Late Latin; Origin: , past participle of coordinare, from Latin co ( CO ) + ordinare to arrange ] 1.) [T] to organize an activity so that the people involved in… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • coordinate — v. 1) to coordinate closely 2) (D; tr.) to coordinate with (we must coordinate our operations with theirs) * * * [kəʊ ɔːdɪneɪt] to coordinate closely (D; tr.) to coordinate with (we must coordinate our operations with theirs) …   Combinatory dictionary

  • coordinate — I UK [kəʊˈɔː(r)dɪneɪt] / US [koʊˈɔrdɪˌneɪt] verb [transitive] Word forms coordinate : present tense I/you/we/they coordinate he/she/it coordinates present participle coordinating past tense coordinated past participle coordinated * 1) a) to… …   English dictionary

  • coordinate — I. adjective Etymology: probably back formation from coordination Date: 1641 1. a. equal in rank, quality, or significance b. being of equal rank in a sentence < coordinate clauses > 2. relating to or marked by coordination 3. a. being a… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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